Comparison : Thief Of Joy!

It’s a chaotic, crazy and insane world that thrives on social media and constant comparison, it is easy to fall into the trap of measuring your own self worth based on others. However, constantly comparing yourself to others can be detrimental to both your mental and emotional well-being. The end goal of this post aims to shed light on the importance of embracing who you are, your individuality and why you should break free from the cycle of comparison which in most cases steal your joy.

Unique Journeys:

Each person’s journey in life is quite unique and cannot be replicated. Comparing yourself to others diminishes your appreciation for the path you have taken, what God has done in your life and the experiences that have shaped who you are as a person today. By embracing who you are, you can celebrate your own accomplishments, strengths, and personal growth, rather than constantly seeking validation from others.

Self-Acceptance and Self-Love:

Comparing yourself to others often leads one into a place of depression and anxiety and will make you have self-doubt and have so much stress because in whatever case you may think, “I am not doing enough”, why are my things not going so well like So and So?. When you compare yourself to others you create an unrealistic standard of perfection that is impossible to achieve. When you stop comparing yourself to others, you then can focus on accepting yourself as who you are, with all your imperfections and flaws. This leads to a healthier sense of self-love and a greater appreciation for your own unique qualities and abilities.

Authenticity and Personal Fulfillment:

Comparison often leads to a constant striving for external validation, which can hinder your ability to live authentically. Be you, there is absolutely no reason to copy and paste somebody else. When you stop this, you can let go of societal expectations and embrace your true self. This allows you as an individual to pursue goals and dreams that are aligned with your own values and desires, leading to a greater sense of personal fulfillment. Always remember that it’s all about you.

Healthy Relationships:

Constant comparison affects your relationship with others. It can lead to envy, jealousy, and resentment towards those we compare ourselves to. By stopping the comparison game, we can focus on building genuine, healthy connections based on support, empathy, and understanding. Celebrating the successes of others becomes a source of inspiration rather than a trigger for negative emotions.


When you stop comparing yourself to others you can shift your focus to gratitude for what you have in your own life, what God has blessed you with. Gratitude allows you to appreciate the unique blessings and opportunities that come your way. By acknowledging your own journey and the privileges you possess, you can foster a positive mindset and find contentment in the present moment.

Comparing yourself to others is a destructive habit that robs you of joy, self-acceptance, and personal growth. Embracing one self and breaking free from the cycle of comparison allows you as a person to appreciate your own journey, cultivate self-love, and build supportive and healthier relationships. It enables you to live authentically, pursue your passions, and find fulfillment in your unique path. Embrace your own uniqueness and celebrate the diversity that makes you extraordinary.

When you begin to compare yourself to others, you start thinking you are inadequate, ineffectual and unhappy. You start to focus on what you lack instead of what you have. This leads to a sense of dissatisfaction, anger and resentment towards your own self. Do not compare your chapter 1 in life with another person’s chapter 12. We all blossom at different phases.

Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Embracing who you are is a journey of self-discovery that allows you to celebrate your uniqueness, appreciate your strengths, and accept your flaws.

I Had To Unlearn These!

Photo credits: WordPress

There are so many lies that one needs to unlearn about women and relationships. Hollywood has dictated a lot of things concerning relationships. They have pushed an agenda that’s seeing the rise in the fall of men today. Without wasting much time, let’s dive right into it, feel free to add yours in the comment section below;

1. She is not a princess. You are not prince charming.

2. Romantic love is not unconditional, it is an exchange of value. It is ‘give and take’. “Only women, children and dogs are loved unconditionally” – Chris Rock

3. Life should never revolve around your relationship 24/7.

4. There are no soulmates. Don’t let this BS idea of “the one” keep you bound to a dysfunctional relationship.

5. A man whose life revolves around his relationship and girlfriend all the time is not loved more in reality. Rather, he is despised by his woman.

6. If you are going to spend your life together, you need to make money, so go to work. Life doesn’t run on romance.

7. It gets boring and mundane at times. Expecting adventures, fun, surprises all the time is not realistic.

8. Breakups are not the end of the world. Move on.

9. No woman is one in a million. There are 1000 others just like her. Stop getting heartbroken over a rejection or breakup.

10. The man who chases the woman isn’t proving himself. He is proving how worthless he is. These types of guys get friendzoned, never laid.

11. Life isn’t a movie. It is a journey of both good times and the bad times.

12. Women and relationships are a part of it, they aren’t everything. Focus on yourself and your work. Add a little romance to it with a worthy woman.

13. Don’t go insane in “love”. Stay rational and have fun.

It actually felt good penning down some thoughts. It had been ages. Hopefully I will be around here more often. Be Blessed, Peace!

Fascinated By Senses.

I seriously started meditation 3 or so months ago, and I only do 30 minutes a day and sometimes even more especially when I’m participating in the “Secret Law of Attraction Room” on Clubhouse. Every-time after I meditate I feel completely relaxed, but I also get weirdly fascinated by my senses. I always want to touch random objects as if I’ve never felt anything before. All I can think about is how incredible it is to see, hear, smell and taste.

It’s as if I’m experiencing everything for the first time in my life. I think there is nothing under the sun that beats meditation. The way my mind was cluttered before and how amazingly I view the world now, incredible. I’m even more conscious about screen time and while on that, be careful about screen addiction, it’s a serious thing.

Netflix, social media, television, video games etc. You may feel like you are in a calm state while staring at screens but it’s actually the exact opposite. I understand a lot of times we have to check emails, bank accounts and message people but try cutting back mindless usage of screens. Instead meditate, read …and again meditate. Try it for one day to only use screens when it’s absolutely necessary and see how you feel.

The universe is beautiful, nature is fascinating and to have an opportunity to breathe in clean oxygen while seeing panoramic views it’s therapeutic and absolutely gorgeous. It’s better investing more into your mental health than have unnecessary societal pressures.

Green Pools, Mutorashanga, Zimbabwe.

You Win The Battles You Walk Away From…

My pride used to tell me this was a weakness but after a careful consideration and thought I can definitely say it’s a strength many don’t have. I would say to myself, “How dare someone says whatever they want to me and get away with it? How do I defend myself and make them feel the anger they’ve caused me? How can I make them see that I’m not who they think I am?” The best revenge is not to be like them. I realized this was a weak response but now I would much rather have peace than to be right.

Not reacting to any situation gives me the upper hand. Sometimes I even sit back and relax as the other person gets so upset with me doing nothing. Decide that it’s not going to get a rise out of you and it won’t. That’s how you make the other person powerless. Choose your battles wisely and know that not every one of them deserves your time, attention and/or energy. People online are even more worse, they think they know you as a person, but they absolutely don’t.

Walking away doesn’t just give you an upper hand, but to its core, I have learnt to remove the unneccesary. Since we can’t control people’s thoughts, responses and actions, It’s up to us to decide whether it’s even worth dealing with or not, but like water in the river, we continue flowing.

Pursue Peace!

Genuine Burning Desire!

Photo Credit: Jason Statham

If there is one thing that I have learnt over the years is that, “you cannot force love.” The exact moment she makes it clear that she isn’t into you, move on! Rejection is better than sacrifice. We are in a world with more than 4 billion women and plenty beautiful young girls turning 18 everyday. Why must you pursue what has to be negotiated?

A lot of times us men think it’s necessary to closely pursue a woman we like but while we have to, truth be told, it’s not necessary to go through the hurdles. You as the man are the Prize! There are so many women out there than for you to literally force somebody’s daughter to be with you. Where there is a burning desire there isn’t a hassle, things ought to flow and flourish with the women in her feminine nature and yourself being a man you are. Naturally.

When a woman is in awe of you. She is mesmerised by the very presence of you. She will do anything for you. A woman who wants to bed you will find a way to bed you even if it means she has to swim halfway across the ocean to bed you. She will. You should also be a person with many options. Women love the idea that they have what other other women wants and what other men wants to be.

There is nothing more powerful than genuine desire. Nothing can come in between, nothing can hinder anything. Dump those who give you hopes and dreams backed by no action. It all boils down to genuine desire over excuses. Save your energy for those who can only meet you with that level of genuine desire and this genuine burning desire is never negotiated. Once sex alone is negotiated, just bear in mind the sex will never be worthy the wait.